Targeted Support to Develop E-commerce in the Caribbean Countries
Posted on: September 01, 2021
The project “Support to Develop E-commerce in the Caribbean Countries” being implemented by Cecodda as member of the AESA Consortium, is oriented at (1) developing a feasibility study on the establishment of an e-commerce-based fulfilment centre to facilitate a sustainable increase in the competitiveness of the Caribbean exports and (2) increasing the viability of e-commerce in the Caribbean region by identifying underlying logistics and structural constraints and developing a strategy to address these challenges.
Under the first purpose, the aim of the activities is to:
- Conduct desk research on existing models for national and regional e-commerce-based fulfilment centres;
- Compile a list of existing fulfilment centres in the Caribbean’s key exporting centres—EU, UK, USA, Canada; identification of best practices in other e-commerce fulfilment centres in regional areas;
- Conduct a stakeholder analysis with the private sector and other actors to determine their needs related to the e-commerce trading environment;
- Draft a comprehensive feasibility study on the establishment of an e-ecommerce-based fulfilment centre for the exports of the Caribbean countries;
- Build a financial model to establish the e-commerce-based fulfilment centre either by developing a new centre or partnering with an existing centre(s);
- Develop a potential business model to govern the use of the centre addressing financial and regulatory/legal issues;
- Elaborate a roadmap for the implementation of the e-commerce-based fulfilment centre model;
With regard to the second purpose, the team of experts will:
- Draft a technical note identifying challenges and opportunities to exploit and changes required in the institutional regulatory framework for logistics, on-line payments facilitation, and digital and technological gaps to be filled by the exporting community to take advantage of e-commerce;
- Review of existing assessments to determine the existing gaps in e-commerce adoption in the Caribbean;
- Draft an action plan to implement the necessary reforms to enable an increased viability of e-commerce in the Caribbean export community;
- Organise a presentation of results and validation workshop with CEDA and CARIFORUM countries.
The project, designed in collaboration with the Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA) and the CARIFORUM member countries, started in July 2021 and the intended period of implementation of the contract will be 4 months.